A year of living, loving, dreaming
Each day we wake up and we "do" things.
Whether we realise what we are doing or not
in so many ways what we do
affects others,
maybe affects you?
Brush your teeth and turn off the running water
we together conserve clean water supply for the world we share.
Throw a can in a recycling bin
together we help reuse, reduce, recycle waste
helping make our world more sustainable.
Walking down the street, and looking someone in the eye and saying
"good morning"
Verbal words often lost in our electronic days.
As I reflect on the year that is ending
it is hard to believe all that I were doing.
What started as a New Years dream,
some words on a computer screen
Simply Sienna begun.
I have had the opportunity to "do" things
before I only imagined.
To meet people I never knew
but now am happier for knowing.
Pictures on a facebook page are a memory of what was done,
but I have a heart filled with thanks and gratitude
for all the doing.
New Year.
I just want to keep on living,
this miracle we call
How about you?
Happy New Year!
With love
Credits : Hair and make-up
Sahar Mitety Braz - Make-up Artistry